Inspired by our youth.

Guided by our Elders.


Koniag Shareholders are eligible for a variety of benefits and services. More detailed information about the benefits listed below can be found in our Shareholder Handbook, which is available in the My Koniag portal.

Please make sure your contact information and records are current in order to receive the latest communications from Koniag. The easiest way to check and update your records is by registering for the My Koniag portal.

In the spirit of Koniag’s core value, “Sharing the Catch,” we are proud to have a generous sponsorship and charitable giving process. Koniag’s giving is focused in five key areas: education, scholarships, Alutiiq culture, in-region economic development initiatives, and other programs that directly serve our Shareholders and Descendants. The majority of Koniag’s giving is to non-profits and tribes in the Kodiak Island area.

Charitable Giving Request Instructions

For this generation, and the next.

Koniag encourages linear Descendants of original Shareholders to register their contact information in order to receive news and become eligible for some Koniag benefits.

The Descendant Application Form is available on the Records & Forms page.


Koniag Shareholders who own Class A, Class B, and Class C stock receive a dividend annually in January. The amount per share is declared annually by the Board of Directors and announced at the annual meeting.


Each June, 7(j) distributions are made by Koniag to Class B Shareholders to fulfil the requirements set forth in Section 7(j) of ANCSA. Class B Shareholders are those who were not originally enrolled to a village corporation (at-large); originally enrolled to an urban corporation (Natives of Kodiak) or were former Shareholders of the merged village corporations of Karluk and Larsen Bay. 7(j) requires that one-half of the natural resource revenue Koniag receives from other regional corporations under Section 7(i) of ANCSA must be shared with village corporations and Class B Shareholders on a pro-rata basis based upon Koniag’s original enrollment.


In 2018, Koniag began providing an Elder Benefit to original Shareholders over the age of 62 in the fall. In 2024, an additional spring distribution was added. The amount of the distribution is determined by the Board of Directors and announced at the annual meeting.

In those states where Koniag is not prohibited from granting a Shareholder hire preference, and if the Shareholder candidates meet the identified requirements, preference shall be given.

Koniag strives to support and work with the region’s village corporations, tribal and municipal governments, regional and community non-profits, and/or villages on projects and initiatives that promote the well-being of Koniag Shareholders and enhance regional unity.

Annually, the Koniag Board of Directors reviews and approves an advocacy plan that includes issues that Koniag will advocate for throughout the year.

Richard Frost Youth Scholarship Program

The Richard Frost Youth Scholarship Program provides financial support for a range of activities and events to voting Shareholders and registered Descendants from age 3 through high school. Students may receive up to $1,000 to attend athletic, scholastic, cultural, or leadership trainings, camps or events that will help them reach their goals.

The Richard Frost Youth Scholarship Program Application Form is available on the Records & Forms page. You can now submit your Proof of Completion online here.

Good Grade Incentive Program

The Good Grade Incentive Program is designed to encourage student success by providing a $50 cash award to Middle and High School students who maintain a grade point average at or above 3.0. You can find information on the program and application instructions on our Records and Forms page.

KEF Scholarships

Koniag Shareholders and Descendants are eligible for a variety of scholarships from Koniag. Scholarships are administered by Koniag’s flagship non-profit, Koniag Education Foundation. Scholarships are available for professional development courses and trainings, vocational education, and undergraduate and graduate degrees. For more information, visit KEF’s website.

In 2017, Koniag created a burial assistance program for the families of deceased voting Shareholders that have a will on file with Koniag, were a minor at the time of death, or were incapacitated during the entire time they owned shares.

Starting February 1, 2023, Koniag expanded this program to include voting Shareholders who do not have a will on file, but whose estates are able to provide the required documents needed to transfer shares promptly. Please contact Shareholder Records at 800-562-5258 for more details about how to apply for this special program.

The Burial Assistance Application Form is available on the Records & Forms page.

Koniag’s Shareholder Committees help elevate Shareholder issues and increase communication between Koniag and our owners. Membership on a Shareholder Committee is an excellent way for Shareholders to become involved with their corporation and maintain ties to the Kodiak region.

Shareholder Committees are located in Anchorage, Kodiak, and Seattle. Each committee consists of no more than 15 members who are voting Shareholders or Descendants. Committees meet three times yearly to identify and discuss issues of immediate and long-term importance to Shareholders.

Contact Shareholder Services at if you are interested in volunteering for a committee or learning more about the program.